ELLISVILLE NEWS–July 10, 2023: Performing At CSLN Ministerial Candidate “Meet and Greet” And Other News

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are enjoying summer, wherever you happen to be. I haven’t had a lot of news to share lately. Haven’t been performing with my band, as everyone has been out of town at different times recently. Still looking for a drummer who is good at harmonies–I’ve spoken to some people, but their plates are full–so, we may start playing out as a 4 piece (Whenever I can get us all in the same place at the same time again).

I do have a bit of solo performing news, however. This Friday, July 14th, CSLN is hosting a “Meet and Greet” Potluck and Mini-Coffeehouse, as we welcome Ministerial Candidate Ron Fox to our Center. I don’t have firm info on the start time (It’s 6 p.m. or 6:30), but I wanted to get this out a few days in advance, rather than waiting. The first hour or so will be the potluck “Meet and Greet”. Then, at 7:30, we will begin the short Coffeehouse, hosted by AJ Bigler. I will be performing a set of original material from 7:30 – 7:45. Antoinette Olesen will be on from 8 – 8:15, and Shawn Gallaway will play from 8:30 – 8:45. There will be short breaks between performers. I am honored that AJ has asked me to be part of this, as we have so much talent at CSLN.


For those of you in town, or watching online, Ron will be giving the Sunday Morning talk at 11 a.m. After a brief lunch (Which will apparently be provided in the Fellowship Hall), he will lead a workshop, followed by a Q and A session. This should be a fun and informative weekend.


A few days ago, I received an email from Miranda Sullivan about a worthy event she is participating in, and she asked us all to spread the word. Rather than try to paraphrase, I am copying and pasting here. I am omitting her phone number, but if you know her and are interested, contact her. If you don’t know her but are interested, contact me and I will put you in touch with her. Here is the email:

To ALL My Friends!

I’m including you all because I know you care!

I’m so excited to be a part of this project and I’m asking for your help, I know you’ll love it. 

Eli’s House https://www.elishouse.org/ is a home and refuge for women to go and take their children, one of the only places in the country to recover, heal and grow from being in abusive relationships. They get healthcare, continued education, counseling, and more. 

Not only is this a good cause, but LV Mommy Makeover is coming to Nashville to give these women a much-deserved retreat weekend. They will get pampered, learn how to cook from a celebrity chef, spa services, new clothes, etc. and you can be a part of it. How? We need help spreading the word by sharing, commenting, and following their social media. Not only will it spread something good, but it will help share what the sponsors are doing for this weekend..and they are filming a pilot episode. Weekend of July 27-30th.

Share with your friends and if there is anyone you think would like to help, connect us, that would be great!

Facebook click here

Instagram click here

What we also need for this weekend and is greatly appreciated.

If you want to do something or know someone, you can get coffee for the moms and crew 1 morning, or breakfast, lunch, or dinner. 

Options: Friday am coffee, breakfast, lunch, dinner (groceries for chef cooking class)

Saturday am coffee, breakfast, lunch, dessert at Gala

Sunday am coffee, breakfast, light lunch. 

Saturday night July 29th we will be having an intimate Gala 

Supporters of Eli’s House and Mommy Makeover are invited

The Moms will be revealed with their new look

Sponsors will be interviewed and a video created for their company for social media

We are looking for a sponsor for dessert on Saturday evening

Car rental transportation or loaner 

Sponsor for Saturday night’s Gala. The venue is donated, but funds for Dinner

2 hotel Rooms from approximately July 25-31

You will also be invited to Commodore Songwriters Night, Thursday, July 27th Emma Caroline who works at Eli’s House from Season 20 of The Voice will perform in the 8:30 pm round. Join us at 7:45 to gather together, enjoy music, have fun, and get to know each other. Confirmation pending. 


Miranda Sullivan


Well, that’s about it. Everyone have a great July.
