ELLISVILLE NEWS–Feb. 3rd, 2023: A Burst Pipe And COVID; Upcoming Gig And Writers’ Night Ending
Hi Everyone,
I hope the new year has gotten off to a good start for you. For me–eh? The morning of Christmas Eve after temps as low as -1 here, I had a pipe burst inside my living room wall, and it took nearly a week for the plumber to come out. Bah humbug! It was finally fixed, and I had insulation placed inside the wall which was where the pipe actually burst.
On Jan. 4th, I came down with COVID. Compared to a lot of people, it was relatively mild with only a low grade fever, but the coughing was really hard. I am better now, but it took until yesterday for my singing voice to come back.
Speaking of singing, the GORDON ELLIS ENSEMBLE will be performing at Phat Bites in Donelson this coming Thursday, Feb. 9th from 7 – 8 P.M., opening for Jim Martin. This is a re-scheduling of the gig that was initially set for Jan.12th and had to be cancelled because of COVID. Phat Bites is a nice place with a good food menu–I loved their BLT with Avocado. The address is 2730 B Lebanon Pike, Nashville, 37214. I expect this to be a great show. If you haven’t seen us before (Or even if you have), I hope you can make it out.
Finally, the CSLN Writers’ Night has ended, at least for now. Attendance simply didn’t justify putting in the effort each month. AJ Bigler did Herculean job trying to keep it going, scheduling performers, promoting it, usually doing the sound, etc. but until overall attendance at CSLN increases, it just doesn’t make sense. Thanks, AJ, and Ray who also did the sound, and to everyone who was a Featured Performer, Spotlight Performer, or who performed at the Open Mic.
Well, that’s about it for this month. Be safe, be well, be you.