ELLISVILLE NEWS–Jan. 4, 2023: A Few Changes

Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year. Just a couple of updates from the last newsletter. The Gordon Ellis Ensemble gig at Phat Bites on Jan. 12th is going to be re-scheduled to another date. Stay tuned.

Shawn Gallaway has had to cancel as Spotlight Performer for the CSLN Writers’ Night this Friday, 1/6/22. Hopefully, that will be re-scheduled as well. This Friday’s CSLN Writers’ Night will be an all acoustic circle up in the classroom on the second floor. I believe AJ will bring a small amp for anyone bringing a keyboard. I am a bit under the weather myself, so I may miss it this month.

Other than an occasional reminder about an upcoming gig, I try not to send more than one of these newsletters in the same month, but sometimes things need to be corrected, so people don’t show up for an event or performer that has cancelled. Hope you understand.

Y’all be well.


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ELLISVILLE NEWS–12/23/22: Flash Freezing Expected; Upcoming Gig In January; CSLN Writers’ Night Jan. 6th

Hi Everyone,

Well, I’ve said it before: If you don’t like the weather in Tennessee, wait a minute! Winter Storm Elliot (I think that’s what they are calling it) is barreling across the nation and moving into Ellisville as I type this (By the way, the National Weather Service doesn’t name these winter storms like they do tropical storms–it’s the Weather Channel that does).

This afternoon, we were in the low 50s. By early tomorrow morning, they are predicting 1 degree, with wind chills of -20 degrees or more. The temps are dropping so fast that the moisture on the ground from light rain is expected to freeze in minutes (Hence the term “Flash Freezing”). Brief, but intense heavy snow is knocking on our door right now. I’m stocked up and staying in!


So, just a heads up for now: On Thursday, January 12th, the Gordon Ellis Ensemble will be doing an hour set from 7 – 8 p.m. at Phat Bites in Donelson. I had never even heard of this place until recently, but it is apparently pretty well known and popular. Since the gig is still about 3 weeks away, I will post a reminder here, and put up a Facebook invite when it gets closer.

Meanwhile on Friday, Jan. 6th, we will resume the CSLN Writers’ Night. Shawn Gallaway will be our Spotlight Performer doing a half hour set, and AJ Bigler will do a one hour feature set. Shawn is a multi-talented guy: A fine singer who writes some great uplifting songs, he is also a visual artist and a healer, very involved in Men’s work.

AJ is the man in charge of this writers’ night and usually does the sound as well. He has some nice whimsical songs, often with unusual melodies, as well as some heartfelt ones. Let’s come out and show these guys some love. There will be an Open Mic from 7-8 p.m. (Sign up 6:30) followed by Shawn and then AJ. I don’t know if there will be a piano available for you keyboard players, so if you need one, you might want to bring one and arrive by 6:30 to get set up.

Meanwhile, CSLN will be having a Christmas Eve Service this Saturday at 4:30), weather permitting. No doubt, some beautiful music and an uplifting message from Rosemary Cathcart.

Well, that’s it for this month. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanza, and a Happy New Year. Here’s to a great 2023!


ELLISVILLE NEWS–12/23/22: Flash Freezing Expected; Upcoming Gig In January; CSLN Writers’ Night Jan. 6th Read More »


Hi Everyone,

Just a brief post here. First, thank you all who came out to the 404 Bar and Grill last week. Despite some challenges with the sound on stage, we pulled it off and got a good response.

Second, there will be no CSLN Writers’ Night in December. In January, we will be featuring Shawn Gallaway. More on that in the next newsletter.

And finally, Happy Thanksgiving! Sometimes, when things upset me, I forget all that I have to be grateful for, but I realize I have a lot. I hope you have more blessings to be grateful for than you can count.

Be safe, be well, be you.



ELLISVILLE NEWS–11/10/22: Reminder: Upcoming Gig On Wednesday, Nov. 16th

Hi Everyone,

Just a brief reminder here: The Gordon Ellis Ensemble will be performing a 1 hour set on Wednesday, 11/16/22 at the 404 Bar and Grill in South Nashville. We will be playing from 7 – 8 P.M.

The address is: 404 Elysian Fields Rd, Nashville, TN 37211 (I may have previously said Elysian Fields Dr.). It is a half block west of Nolensville Rd (Across the road from Habachi Grill) and a half mile north of Harding. There will be a suggested $5.00 door charge.

It should be a great show–hope you can make it out.

Be safe, be well, be you.


ELLISVILLE NEWS–11/10/22: Reminder: Upcoming Gig On Wednesday, Nov. 16th Read More »

ELLISVILLE NEWS–10/30/22 Upcoming Gig and Upcoming Writers’ Night

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are enjoying the fall weather and changing of the leaves. It’s been beautiful here.

My website is using a new host/server, and I don’t think my first attempt went out, so I am trying again. I apologize if you get multiple versions–it’s just until I get things straightened out.

I have an upcoming gig, I would like you to know about. On Wednesday, Nov. 16th, I will be doing a 1 hour set with a full 5 piece band from 7 – 8 P.M. at the 404 Bar And Grill in South Nashville. It is located at 404 Elysian Fields Drive, a half block west of Nolensville Rd. and about a half mile north of Harding. I will be playing with Arnie Reed and David Johnson, and a couple of new people. This should be a great set, so I hope you can make it out. There will be a $5.00 cover. Since it is still more than two weeks away, I will probably send a reminder a few days before.

Meanwhile, this Friday, Nov. 4th, CSLN will have its monthly Writers’ Night. It will start with an Open Mic from 7 – 8 P.M. Original songs, poems, short readings, etc. are welcome. Then from 8 – 9 P.M. we will be featuring 2 excellent songwriters: Antoinette Olesen and Buddy Farler.

Antoinette is not only a wonderful songwriter in her own right–she often mentors other writers, and was recently a guest speaker at the West Coast Songwriters Association in the Bay Area. Her songs range from beautiful love songs to spiritually uplifting. She has also been a guest performer at CSLN Sunday Services a number of times.

Buddy’s music defines description–you can’t put it in a box, but the songs are all very catchy and meaningful, and you will probably leave, hearing a couple of his tunes in your head. There is a $5.00 suggested love offering. Please come out and support this event, so we can keep it going.

That seems to be it for this month. Be safe, be well, be you.


ELLISVILLE NEWS–10/30/22 Upcoming Gig and Upcoming Writers’ Night Read More »