ELLISVILLE NEWS–Aug. 6, 2022: Reminder And Scam Alert

Hi Everyone,

Just a brief reminder, that I will be performing with Arnie Reed and David Johnson (The Gordon Ellis Ensemble) at Brown’s Diner this Tuesday, Aug. 9th from 6 – 6:45 P.M. As usual, all original music. Brown’s is at 2102 Blair Blvd, Nashville, Tn. 37212, less than a half block off 21st Ave. South, and across the street from Friedman’s Army Navy and Hillsboro Kroger. Hope you can make it.


I am copying and pasting this Scam Alert from the Next Door app. I can’t verify it, but someone thought it was important enough to post, so I am including it here:

“Scam Alert- More sophisticated. I (DB) got this in an email through the Nextdoor Neighbor email list. “BEWARE, FRIENDS: I almost fell for this very sophisticated debit card scam. Here’s how it goes: got a call, the caller ID was my bank. The guy says he’s from the fraud dept, calling about my debit card ending in —-(the 4 correct numbers), and asks if i’d been traveling, reports 2 suspicious charges that happened at out-of-state stores (Lowe’s and Walmart). I said nope, wasn’t me. He says they’ll send me a new card. He knows my address. He knows all my phone numbers. He sends a verification code to my cell and asks me to read it to him. THEN HE ASKS FOR MY PIN NUMBER, so he can deactivate it. That’s where I said “no.” But he has an answer for my suspicions: he says look at the number I’m calling from, it matches the number on the back of your card. It does! But still, then I said let me call you back and he hung up! I reported this to my bank’s fraud dept, who said WE WOULD NEVER ASK FOR YOUR PIN NUMBER. (And immediately cancelled my card.) They also said this is the new scam, they’re hearing about it a lot. Tell everyone! I knew also right away because as I was on the call… I checked with my identity protection service because I would have gotten an alert from my service before this call ever came. No alert found. My scam radar was screaming. Be careful out there guys these scammers are very tech savvy these days.” Thank you”

Have a great week and month,


ELLISVILLE NEWS–Aug. 6, 2022: Reminder And Scam Alert Read More »

ELLISVILLE NEWS–July 30, 2022: Upcoming Gig At Brown’s Diner; Upcoming CSLN Writers Night

Hi Everyone,

If you are like most of the nation (Not to mention much of Europe), you have probably been roasting for the past month or so. Here in Ellisville, we have only broken 100 once so far (It was 101 right around my birthday in late June), but we did have 28 straight days in the 90s before getting some relief this week, and they said it was only our 5th longest 90 degree streak (Hmm–so what’s the record? I think 34 days,but don’t quote me).

Just a couple of things to share this month. First, I will be performing with Arnie Reed and David Johnson (Collectively known as the Gordon Ellis Ensemble) at Brown’s Diner on Tuesday Evening, August 9th from 6 – 6:45 p.m. An all original set, of course. It would be great if we can bring in a good crowd, as that seems to be the requirement for being asked back by the new manager. Come on out–you will not only get to hear a set of great original music, but you can treat yourself (If you aren’t vegan or vegetarian, of course) to one of the least expensive, yet best burgers in town. I hear the catfish is really good too. This will be the first time we have performed together since early June, so we are really looking forward to it.

Brown’s is located at 2102 Blair Blvd, Nashville, TN 37212, about a quarter of a block off 21st Ave. South, and across the street from Hillsboro Village Kroger and Friedman’s Army Navy Store.

The CSLN Writer’s Night is resuming on Friday, Aug. 5th, after taking off in July. There is a slight modification of the format.

The Open Mic will be from 6:30 to 7 p.m. (Sign up at 6:30–we will probably have room for the first 5 or 6 people who sign up). We have pared down this part of the evening to shorten the event some, and because sign ups for the open mic have decreased from what it used to be.

We will then have 4 acts each doing a half hour set. I don’t have promo on anyone but here is the info: At 7 P.M., we will have Tom Huebner and Dottie Escue–a husband and wife duo with some cool songs and harmonies. At 7:30., Bruce John Brigham will take the stage (He was a Spotlight Performer a couple of times at the old Coffeehouse ). At 8 P.M., we will have Gary Cavanaugh, who has some humorous songs, as well as some moving ones. Gary currently hosts a writers show at Bobby’s Idle Hour on Monday Afternoons. And at 8:30, Richard Trest will close out the evening. If you don’t recognize the name, he was the owner of “Richard’s” (French pronunciation–accent on the second syllable).

We are trying to build up this event again, after cancellations due to COVID and other issues over the last couple of years slowed us down. Hope you can make it out. There is a $5 suggested love offering to the center, and this is a potluck event–we will only have what people bring.

That seems to be all for this month. Keep cool, and remember: “I wish I had won more arguments” said no one ever in their final moments.

Have a great month.


ELLISVILLE NEWS–July 30, 2022: Upcoming Gig At Brown’s Diner; Upcoming CSLN Writers Night Read More »

ELLISVILLE NEWS–July 1, 2022: Happy Independence Day; Performing At Sunday Service; An Almost New Car; And More

Hi Everyone,

Just a brief update here. First, thanks to everyone who came out to the CSLN Writers Night on June 3rd, where I was featured with my Keyboard and Lead Guitar players, Arnie Reed and David Johnson, and backup singers, Pam Atha, Raven Barrientos, and Mark Horwitz. We had a good time. I hope you did too. Thanks, AJ Bigler, for the opportunity to be featured. There will be no Writers Night in July, due to the first Friday being on a holiday weekend. We hope to resume in August.

I know this is short notice, but I will be performing four of my songs at this Sunday’s CSLN Service (July 3rd), with Larry Faragalli and the awesome CSLN band. I always enjoy performing with these guys. There will also be a potluck after the service. And I have a round with Antoinette Olesen, Buddy Farler, and Susan Shann on Thursday, July 7th at the Millenium Maxwellhouse Hotel in Metro Center. We go on at 9 p.m., and I have heard that the wonderful Brian Wright will be sitting in on lead guitar. It should be a great set.

I got to celebrate my birthday last Friday with a bunch of friends at Tequilas. Good food, good friends, good time. Thanks, to all who came out. And this week, I gave myself a huge (Slightly belated) birthday present–an almost new 2020 Honda Accord EX. I got it at Carmax with under 6,000 miles on it. There is so much to learn with these new cars, but I think I am going to really like it.

That should do it for now. Everyone have a good and safe July 4th weekend.


ELLISVILLE NEWS–July 1, 2022: Happy Independence Day; Performing At Sunday Service; An Almost New Car; And More Read More »

ELLISVILLE NEWS–May 27, 2022: Featured Performer at CSLN Writers’ Night, June 3rd.

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are enjoying this Memorial Day Weekend. The weather here is supposed to be just about perfect.

I want to invite all of you in town to the CSLN Writers Night on Friday Evening, June 3rd. I don’t know if it will be streamed for you folks out of town, though there may be a video to put up on YouTube or my website, if we can get someone to record it.

The event will start with an Open Mic from 6:30 – 7:30. Sign up starts at 6:30–maximum of 12 slots open. At 7:30, we will have our first Spotlight Performer, Paul Nielsen. Paul has performed frequently at our Sunday Services, has his own studio, and several songs recorded, including one by The Little River Band. At 8 P.M., Lisa Hannah will take the stage. She too, has performed several times at our Sunday Services, and her debut CD, “Brand New Sun” features songs with honest lyrics that depict her personal life’s journey.

At 8:30, Yours Truly will take the stage as our Featured Performer, doing an hour set. I will be backed by Arnie Reed on keyboards and David Johnson on lead guitar, both of whom got lots of of compliments for their musicianship at my CD Release Party in November. Also, there will be vocal backup on various songs from Pam Atha, Raven Barrientos, and Mark Horwitz. As always, I will have some CDs available. This is shaping up to be a great night, and an important one, as we need to grow this event if we want to keep it going. Potluck snacks and drinks encouraged (We will only have what people bring), as well as a $5.00 suggested love offering to the Center. 6705 Charlotte Pike, Nashville 37209. I may also wind up doubling as MC, unless there is someone available.


For the last 40-50 years, we have witnessed mass shootings in this country. For the last 40-50 years, we have seen the same reactions–“thoughts and prayers” followed by inaction. They say insanity is doing what you have always done and expecting a different result. I won’t use this space to say all the things I could–there’s not enough space for it in a short newsletter–but instead of saying “That won’t work,” an attitude parroted by self-serving polititians who are beholden to big money to finance their campaigns), how about saying “Let’s try it” for once. If after 10 years, it doesn’t work, they can say “I told you so.”

That’s it for this month. I hope you and your loved ones are safe, healthy, and enjoying this holiday weekend.


ELLISVILLE NEWS–May 27, 2022: Featured Performer at CSLN Writers’ Night, June 3rd. Read More »

ELLISVILLE NEWS UPDATE 4/30/22: Sunday Morning Success, Return of the CSLN Writers Night

Hi Everyone,

Just a brief update. Last Sunday’s performance at CSLN went quite well. I guess that was to be expected, with such a great band backing me, and with the addition of Frank Wood, Pam Atha, and Tom Huebner on backing vocals. I was quite pleased, and when I watched the video stream the next day, I still felt good about it. If you would like to see it, you can go to CSLN.TV, our YouTube station.

Meanwhile, a reminder that this Friday, May 6th we will be resuming the CSLN Writers Night, after a several month hiatus. There will be an Open Mic from 6:30 – 7:30–sign up at 6:30, 12 slots open. Then from 7:30 to 8 P.M. we will have two Spotlight Performers doing 15 minutes each. Denny Martin is a well know songwriter and producer here in Nashville, who has performed at the Bluebird Cafe, The Listening Room and other notable venues around town. The other Spotlight will be Sam Gyllenhaal, who often works with Denny.

At 8 p.m. we will have our Featured Performer Susan Shann, who will do a full set. Sue is a prolific songwriter with a beautiful voice, an environmental activist, and has been a speaker at our Sunday Services a number of times. She plans on sharing some new material with us.

This will be a potluck event, as always, so please bring food or drink to share. A $5.00 love offering to the Center will also be appreciated.

Next month, I will be our Featured Performer–More on that in my next newsletter.

Looks like spring is finally here to stay. Enjoy.


ELLISVILLE NEWS UPDATE 4/30/22: Sunday Morning Success, Return of the CSLN Writers Night Read More »